The Crisis of Planetary Urbanization
Curitiba, Brazil
November 18th 2014

Description from Boitempo:

In his most recent trip to Brazil, David Harvey talks about the urban protests dubbed “middle class revolts” that have been taking place all over the world, from São Paulo to Istanbul, against the backdrop of what he calls the “crisis of planetary urbanization”.

v2coverThis lecture took place in Curitiba, Brazil on November 18th 2014, during a series of talks entitled “The Political Economy Of Urbanization”, marking the publishing of the second volume of his Companion to Marx’s Capital, by Boitempo. This trip took him also to the cities of Brasília, Recife, Fortaleza and São Paulo. The lectures also celebrated the publishing of Boitempo’s new edition of Volume II of Marx’s Capital – the first edition revised and expanded according to the documents of the MEGA2 project. Recently, Boitempo’s edition of Volume I of Capital was awarded the Jabuti Prize for translation – the most important prize in the brazilian publishing world. All of professor Harvey’s lectures were recorded and are being published on Boitempo’s channel on YouTube.

Watch the Portuguese version of this lecture